Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Brief introduction to Mashup (web application hybrid)

A mashup is a website or application that combines content from more than one source into an integrated experience. (from Wikipedia)

Mash-Ups(混搭型网站)前途无限,它将两个或两个以上的网站内容混搭并且重组,从而创建出全新内容。例如,有些网站从Google Maps获取地图数据,然后再加上从不同来源获得的其他相关信息,创建新的内容组合。一个很好的例子就是,它将Google地图与当前犯罪数据相结合,提供一个可供浏览的芝加哥犯罪数据库。Google通过应用编程接口(API)来公开和提供地图数据,以便这些网站进行重组和再造。

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Houston Rockets pick up crucial victory over Suns

Just before the last two games in this season, Rockets wan the host advantage in the first round of playoffs with Jazz through a firce battle with strong rival Suns, currently holding the second position of west. In this game, Tracy McGrady tallied 39 points, 11 rebounds and nine and Yao gained 34 points and 9 rebounds in the compete with Stoudemire. Congratulations to Rockets! And hope they can go further with the lead of healthy and passionate T-Mac.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Why not provide the function of album in Blogger?

To show my picture, I have to reference from my album in MySpaces. Why does Blogger develop such function of its own? It might be a tiny drawbak of it.

Friday, April 13, 2007

First blog!

I've tried many blog drivers before. But unfortunately none of them suceeded to keep attracting me. So I'm here! Looking for a venturous and facinating journey...